Sunday, June 16, 2013

Some Drama/Some Peace of Mind

I learned something about selling a house.  The peace of mind doesn't necessarily come with having it sold but with having a new home to move into.  Since I signed the lease for the apartment I've calmed right down and my stress level is pretty darned low.  You wouldn't think it would be that way since my house isn't actually sold yet.

My plan is to wait until Wednesday for a definite offer sent to my lawyer and if none are forthcoming I will call a realtor and list the property.  For some reason I'm not as anxious about people traipsing through my house as I was earlier.  I really believe that not knowing where I'd be living was the big problem and now that I have my cute apartment the stress has almost dropped away.

Kim and I are going out today to purchase a new double sized bed for me...I hate my queen sized one because I feel lost in it.  Life does go on no matter what gets tossed at you, doesn't it?

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