Tuesday, June 04, 2013

Surprisingly Bored

The power went out in the early evening when the light was just beginning to fade.  I, who like to brag that I'm almost never bored, looked around at the black screens on the T.V. and computer and got a little panic stricken.  I lit 2 candles, one in the kitchen and one in the bathroom (I know my priorities) and realized they didn't throw off enough light for me to read or do some Swedish weaving.  Yikes!  I seriously considered hopping in the car and just driving until the power came back on but I have trouble driving in the dark, too.  Mind you, there was still lots of light outside but you just knew it wouldn't last long.

I was bored.  The power was just out for about half an hour but it seemed longer because I was pacing around like a caged animal wondering what to do with myself.  It was much too early to go to bed and I wondered exactly how bored I would be by my normal bedtime of 10:30 P.M.  What do other people who live alone do when the power is off all evening?  You can't even clean house!  Then I thought about people in jails where they stay for hours in cells with nothing to comfort them but a blanket.  I'm not talking about Canadian jail cells where prisoners have all the conveniences and more during their incarceration but I've heard that south american jails aren't as cushy.

It really surprised me how fast boredom set in...minutes, in fact.  Certain things can be counted on to bore me to tears, church services and political discussions top the list but there are others.  Having to sit through anything I'm not interested in will make me so antsy I can hardly sit still.  Being in the company of pompous or crude people will make me head for the door at the first opportunity.  My need to escape from what bores or irritates me is getting worse each year I age so I don't think I'll be any more tolerant next year.

Anyway, I was standing at the front door expecting to see at least a few neighbors outside discussing our terrible situation when I heard a few clicks and the power came back on.  I had T.V. and computer again and my world settled right down to normal.  Boredom slipped off my shoulders like water off a duck as I plunked my behind into the computer chair and did what I do best...nothing much but something interesting, at least to me.   

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