Monday, August 05, 2013

Getting Old

Today is my 73rd birthday and if it weren't for the darned stitches on my cheek I wouldn't feel anywhere near that age.  My face is quite swollen but my attitude has greatly improved from yesterday simply because the healing process is making me feel stronger each day.  We human beings are truly wondrous creatures, aren't we?  

Age has never been a concern of mine for some reason.  I remember my grandmother lying about her age and it seemed so foolish to me.  I feel much the same way about dying my hair...I happen to like the look of naturally white or grey hair.  If someone were to judge me as unacceptable because of my age or color of hair, I'd just say it was their loss.  Someone so shallow would never be anyone I'd like to hang out with, either.

Luckily I have friends of all ages and that's a great thing.  Two of my youngest friends, Lisa and Anna, broaden my areas of understanding by spending time with them.  I hope they learn a little something from me, too.  It's an advantage to all of us to have in-depth contact with people of all ages.

I'll be having my birthday dinner at Kim's.  Cindy and Don will be there, too, but Shelley is way down in Tampa.  I've received birthday wishes from friends near and far and it does my heart good to hear them.  I don't think most old folk want their birthdays remembered so that they'll get presents but just to know that someone thought about them is a nice feeling.

It's a gorgeous summer day out and I'm so content and comfortable in my new apartment.  Life remains good!

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