Sunday, August 18, 2013

Pictures Hung

Cindy's sweetie, Don, came over yesterday and hung all my pictures.  A drill was needed for some because of the concrete walls...I never knew that apartment buildings had a lot of concrete walls but I guess it makes sense.  I had tons of pictures in my house and many didn't make it to the apartment because I didn't want to overcrowd the walls here but I did splurge on a new one for over the sofa.  It's a gorgeous, brightly colored print of poppies in a field and I can't take my eyes off it because it's so beautiful.  I've needed a new sofa picture for a while because the old one (now over my bed) was fading out from sun exposure.  I'll replace it later on but it's fine for now and gives a nice, muted color of tulips to the bedroom.

Cindy and I drove out to St. Catharines to pick up Aeron for lunch but it turned into more of a dinner because we got there kind of late.  The traffic on the QEW was wicked because of an accident.  It had been cleared away but the gawkers slowed down what should have been free flowing traffic.

I've  mentioned before how the boys were always Dennis' but Aeron was always mine.  I adore her.  We went out for lunch at one of the restaurants she works at...she has 2 or 3 part-time jobs and goes to university (what a girl!!) and then went shopping for her graduation present from her Mom and Dad...a laptop computer.  Cindy says Aeron never asks for anything and she was so thrilled with the computer.  Yes, she really is a very special person.

I'm so proud of my family.  All are good people who are succeeding in life in their own way.  None have turned out bad and, for that, I am ever grateful.  

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