Sunday, September 15, 2013

Cold Germs

Somewhere, somehow, I walked through a landmine of cold germs that I innocently inhaled and now I feel like crap.  The body is really amazing in how a few minute germs can make it go from feeling relatively healthy and strong to half dead in just a matter of days.

On Friday, my nose started to run.  On Saturday, I felt pretty awful with a tight chest cough along with the runny nose.  Today, it was worse but I have hopes of feeling better tomorrow.  What gives me that hope?  Even with the runny nose and cough, there's a bit of strength returning to my body and that makes me think I might be recovering.

I ate fairly normally today...but not much stops me from eating...and drank lots of water and juice.  At 6 P.M. my chest is still tight but the coughing and runny nose have diminished a little bit.  Isn't the human body a magnificent and puzzling thing?


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