Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Life Before E-Mails

I love my early morning practice of reading my e-mails while I drink that very first, heavenly cup of coffee.  Most that I get are jokes or just something that makes me smile and it got me wondering what mornings were like before computers.

When I finish my wake-up ablutions, I avoid the mirror like the plague because nothing there is going to make me smile.  Then it's off to the kitchen to start coffee and warm up the computer.  I'm still getting a thrill out of my cute little apartment and it does bring a smile to my face as I look around at it's neatness.  The morning sun or often the touch of dawn brings lots of light into the kitchen and livingroom area because it faces east so, unless it's rainy or clouded over, my mornings are lightly lit.

I drink my coffee with a half cup of milk so, as the coffee pot is working away, I put the half cup of milk into the microwave to warm up.  By the time I've plopped myself down in front of the computer and opened the e-mail, coffee is ready.  What a pleasant way to start the day.  By the way, it's also nice and quiet because I live husband or kids to mar the silence.

As I sip my morning drug, I read e-mails and giggle at their content.  I wonder if easy mornings like this contribute to my contentedness over the rest of the day?  I'd guess, yes!

Before computers, a senior like me could only count on coffee to make mornings pleasurable.  And before T.V.'s there would only be housework to look forward to after that.  Thank heavens for the improvements we've seen develop over the last 60 years!  I'm not much of a T.V. watcher but have it on and listen to it as I do other things.  I guess it's company of a sort but maybe I'm not comfortable with total silence for too long.

I know that one of the reasons I'm never bored is because I have the computer to turn to when I don't feel like doing anything else.  E-mails aside, the web is saturated with information on any subject one can imagine and you could never read or watch it all in your lifetime.  Access to so much information is the reason some dictator led countries restrict it's use by citizens. It's all part of keeping the people uninformed in order to control them.

Any way, I'm thankful for my computer and all it offers me.  I wonder what miracles our seniors will have to play with and learn from 60 years from now?  


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