Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Dog Farts

My grandson, Kyle, posted on Facebook that there's no use having a dog if you can't blame farts on it.  Now, there's a hug difference between the rancid smell of human farts and the deathly smells of dog farts.  It could be the dog food.

My dog, Corky, was the sweetest dog in the world but his farts would clear a room.  The problem was that you couldn't help trying to wave away the smell as you tried to escape and, to him, that meant you didn't want him near you (you didn't).  He'd panic about being left alone and chase right behind you, surrounded by his fartly emissions.  No matter how far you ran, he stayed with you.  I remember him staring at me in bewilderment as I gagged from the smell.  The only thing a person could do was put him out in the yard and hope he'd poop it away.

Naw, Kyle, your farts may smell bad but you've got nothing on a dog.

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