Saturday, October 05, 2013

Nolan Overnight

Nolan stayed overnight with me for the first time and he wasn't too happy about it at first.  I picked him up at his Gramma Dianne's house and he was reluctant to go with me, saying he wanted his mother.  I bribed him with promise of fries at Five Guys and he allowed himself to be put in the carseat, not too happy but with visions of fries in his little head.

After Five Guys fries, we went to the grocery store for a couple of items and then back to the apartment where he felt quite comfortable.  We had cookies for a snack and he played for quite a while with his toys.  I'd told him he could stay up until 9 P.M. but he started to conk out before 8:30 so, when I suggested it was time for bed, off he went and I didn't hear a word from him until 6:30 this morning.  I got up to pee and he was proudly looking into the toilet at his morning deposit...poop and pee.

After a breakfast of oatmeal, bananas, and orange juice, he settled in to watch T.V. while I played on the computer.  We're going yard saleing at a few churches later this morning to get him some more toys.  Like, he really needs more toys!  LOL!

It's been important for me to spend time with him and Nash, just as I did with my grandchildren, because it promotes family bonds.  All the generations of our family are close and that's because of the effort put in by each generation to make sure the children understood the importance of family.  I often think how sad it must be for people without family to lean on and count on.

I'm sure I'll give a small sigh of relief when my busy little Nolan goes home later today and my world becomes a quiet oasis but, for now, I'll enjoy his youthful exuberance and be thankful I'm able to participate in his life.

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