Friday, October 04, 2013

Anti-Abortionist Blackmail

It doesn't matter what side you're on, pro abortion or anti abortion, you're not going to passively accept images of aborted fetuses tossed in front of you and your children.  That's what is happening these days on the Link.  Anti abortionists walk out on the overpass and drop disgusting images of aborted fetuses for the viewing pleasure of a captive audience...people and often their children driving home in suppertime traffic.

Not only is this a cruel way to present their cause but it could also cause accidents.  They don't seem to care.  After all, it's this same mentality that allowed some of them to murder doctors who performed abortions.  They are without a doubt self-serving, selfish individuals who really don't care who they hurt when they're on a mission.

My daughter made a very valid point.  We detest child molesters but we'd never post leud pictures of a man/woman raping a child.  There are some boundaries you just don't cross when you are trying to win supporters over to your way of thinking or believing.

I know what a dead fetus looks like.  I also know there are women (sometimes just girls) who have every right to decide if they want to carry a baby to term.  I can't say I'm pro abortion but there are always many factors to consider when it comes to abortion.  In the end, a woman must have the right to make her own decision whether or not to give birth.  When anti abortionists shove images of dead fetuses in my face, they do not win a convert.  They lose one.

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