Monday, October 07, 2013

Who's Getting Paid?

Politics and how we, the citizens, let politicians get away with murder just astounds me.  With the U.S. government shutdown, I just assumed that politicians would not be receiving their salaries, just as many retired servicemen might not be receiving their pensions.  Stupid me.  I'd almost forgotten that politicians always take care of their own needs before the citizens they were hired to serve.  Yes, the congressmen who have shut down the United States government will continue to receive their mighty salaries!

Many politicians have their jobs thanks to the insurance companies and pharmaceutical companies which funded their elections so now they have to pay the piper.  It really doesn't take a brain surgeon to understand that American citizens need a decent health care plan that covers everyone.  Just ask any one of the minimum wage employees who can't afford health coverage for themselves or their families.  Ask the seniors who are still working just to pay for their prescription drugs.  Ask the new mother who had no prenatal care because she couldn't afford it.

I remember when we were in the same position in Canada.  I remember how our proposed government health care system was fought tooth and nail by the medical community...including many doctors!  As much as I talk down about politicians, it was a few honest ones that made sure every Canadian citizen would receive health care, regardless of financial status.

Now powerful politicians, supported by powerful insurance and pharmaceutical companies, have shut down the government of the most powerful country in the world in order to prevent Obamacare from being installed.  And now we know who too many of our politicians work for.  

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