Saturday, October 12, 2013

I'm A Bigot

It used to be that "gay" was the expletive but now it seems like "bigot" is the new word.  I'm a bigot.  I believe that being gay is an aberration in nature, not something to be despised or ridiculed but just a slight difference from the norm.  Apparently that makes me a bigot.  So be it.

Children strive to be different from their parents, not making the same mistakes, not dressing in the same fashion, not living the same kind of lives, but I'm wondering if the surge in bisexuality is just another effort to show that difference.  I know, I'm a bigot!

In the end, will this phase cause untold damage to today's young people or will it just fall by the wayside of their foolish youth?  I'm hoping it will be just a phase that doesn't cause too much damage to them.

I may be a bigot but I have a good heart.


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