Sunday, December 29, 2013


How many diets have I been on in my seems like thousands and none of them really worked because I didn't learn to change my bad eating habits.  Right now I'm using Sensa and it seems to lessen my appetite, especially inbetween meals.  I don't think it has any bad side effects but we never really know, do we?

Since I'm pre-diabetic, I can't rely on fresh fruit as much as I used to but I've been imbibing in a glass of wine every evening this week.  On top of taking away any residual appetite I might have, it makes me feel pretty mellow, too.  I realized how convenient it is for me to afford a glass of wine nightly while in the States but it won't be so easily affordable when I'm back home in Canada.  I decided not to even think about it because I may not even want it then.  Overweight people are usually flighty, too, and change their habits on a whim.  That's me.

I checked online to see if wine is a deterrent to weight loss and it seems it causes no harm as long as taken in moderation.  Moderation means no more than 2 glasses per day and I only have 1 so I guess I'm safe.

I don't know if this present diet will last or do any good but I'm still willing to stay on it.  The Sensa honestly helps.  I just hope it doesn't cause any unknown damage to my innards!

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