Saturday, December 28, 2013

The "Knockout Game"

Honestly, can there be anything much more cowardly than a group of young men attacking an unsuspecting passer-by and flooring him...or her...with a single punch?  For the life of me, I don't understand why they wouldn't be ashamed of their cowardly act.

One such young man cold cocked a 79 year old man, causing serious physical damage, and he has the nerve to brag about his disgusting and cowardly act?  He's been arrested and will serve jail time so maybe someone a little stronger than him will give him some pay back.  I sincerely hope so!

It's very perplexing to understand why some of our youth are participating in cruel and cowardly games like this.  Have we managed to breed a disturbingly large segment of a generation with no conscience?  How are their parents dealing with it?  How will these young men behave as they grow older?  How safe will their wives and children be around them?

I say this because I believe that if you allow yourself to commit cruel acts for any reason it changes your total perception of life and how you live it.  Once an act is committed, it's easier to re-commit.  If someone deems it acceptable to punch an innocent elderly man to the ground, then that person really can't be trusted to behave humanely for the rest of their lives.

I saw a video taken by a public security camera that showed a young man pass a young woman then turn quickly and cold cock her from behind.  She hit the ground on her face and unconcious.  He ran like a rat.  Cowardly?  Hell, yes!  The question is, how awful must he feel about himself to do such a thing in the first place?  Does he have such low self esteem that hitting a woman from behind gave him some sense of superiority?  Not only are these idiots cowards, they're also pathetic.

I hope those caught playing the "knockout game" are punished well enough that it will become a thing of the past.


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