Friday, December 27, 2013

Today is Coffee Day

I don't know what  spurred me to start having a once a week coffee morning for the park ladies because I'm not the sort of person to push myself on people.  In any case, it's become a really nice part of park life and draws more and more ladies every year.  I think it's a great way for new residents to meet the rest of us, too.

I think it was last year that I changed our meeting time to 10 A.M. instead of 9 A.M. and this was so the air got a chance to warm up and allow us to have our coffee out on the patio.  With so many ladies joining us, it's easier than having to crowd into my little trailer.  We've had up to 24 outside and that number would never have fit into the trailer.

Some of the husbands hear our laughter and remind their wives that is "coffee morning" over here.  LOL!  We do have such a nice time and I know it gets pretty noisy at times...but it's all laughter!

I usually go out for lunch after everyone leaves on Fridays so I invited anyone who'd like to join me to come along.  I guess this will become our new tradition because we had about 8 two weeks ago.  Last week there was a luncheon in the clubhouse so only Sylvia, Barb, and I went out to a restaurant.  This week we're going to "Nothing Fancy" up on HWY 27 and I'm hoping we'll have a nice crowd go with us.

We're all retired ladies with lots of free time and it's so nice that we've reached this age with few enough health problems that we can take it easy and enjoy ourselves.  Lady friends are a pure joy to any age! 

The weather in Florida has been so extra nice that I'm not sure we've had to have coffee morning inside the trailer since I got here this year.  We're expecting rain some time today but the air is warm so we probably will have a lovely morning drinking coffee, yakking, and laughing on the patio.  Life is so damned good!

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