Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Xmas 2013

Spending the winter in Florida means I always miss my family at Christmas time and it was no different this year.  The only thing that helps is to know how dreadful the weather is back home compared to the sunny, balmy Florida weather.

Christmas morning alone has become a slightly uncomfortable time for me but it gradually eases away after having Xmas dinner in the clubhouse with over a 100 near and dear friends.  This morning was not so bad and I think it was because I'm taking care of Tank for a few days.  He's a drop dead gorgeous yellow lab with the sweetest personality...but he is stinking up my trailer.  I hope Febreze will clear out the doggy smell after he leaves.

I never heard a peep out of him all night long (I expected he might wander a bit and bump his huge body into things) and, when I got up this morning he was still lying in his bed looking questioningly at me...was I going to feed him or put him out for a pee?  I chose to take him out for a pee.  It was chilly out and I put a jacket on over my nightie, got him attached to the leash outside and told him to hurry up.  He sat down.  He surveyed the scenery.  I nudged him and he strolled into the middle of the lawn and ate some grass.  It was quite a while before he actually peed.  It's a good thing I adore him.

All in all, it's quite understandable why people living alone like to have a pet because they are pleasant company.  Knowing this, I still won't get a dog for myself because I don't want to be tied down to looking after it.  And then, my life is busy enough and full enough to keep me happy without a pet.

But it has been nice having Tank around.

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