Tuesday, December 24, 2013


I almost never see a beggar in Canada.  Now, this doesn't mean we don't have any, it means in part that the climate doesn't support outdoor begging.  I also like to think that no-one really needs to beg...but maybe my head is in the clouds.

I don't think I've ever seen a beggar in the northern states and that's probably for the same reason I don't see them in Canada.

It is different in Florida where street beggars are seen quite often, usually at intersections where there is lots of car traffic.  Yesterday I saw my very first family of beggars and it was very disconcerting because I really do hope there can be no reason for it.  We'd gone to Walmart and were returning home with a carload of mostly groceries when we spotted a man holding a sign at an intersection that said he was out of work.  Next to him sat his wife and 3 children, one of whom was in a stroller.  Could this really be the truth and they had no food or shelter?  I don't believe it because I don't want to believe it.  It's the same as learning that families are living in their cars...I can't allow myself to belief this too is happening and that they really have no resources.  Are there not social programs in effect that give everyone in need food and shelter?

I've assumed that the routine of needing social services if you had no money meant that they would immediately find you somewhere to live and I know that there are food pantries (which sometimes run out of food).  I also know that some beggars are not in need at all but out for easy money (street kids and at least one very well off woman from back home).  It's very troubling to think that little family is sleeping out in the field somewhere without food...but I can't honestly believe that happening.  Am I blind to the truth?  But wouldn't the parents turn their children over to social services rather than let them starve?  I've never heard of anyone in the States or Canada actually starving to death because they were broke.

Logic tells me that this is a scam but uncertainty keeps me wondering. 

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