Sunday, December 22, 2013

Bad Lady

I had an interesting but upsetting experience yesterday.  Joann, Barb, Louise, and I went to our internet casinos and I, for one, did pretty good...+$17 for the day.  The upsetting experience happened at one of our casinos when I left my machine (with about $30 in it) to go to the washroom.  You have to know that this is a tiny casino with about a dozen people in it at the time.  I didn't log out because I felt it was obvious that I was still using the machine...a game was up and there was the money still in it.

When I came back from the washroom, there was a lady sitting at my machine and playing on my money!  I went up to her and asked what she was doing and she replied that she was playing on her own money and claimed there was no money in it when she began.  I asked her if she'd logged me out and she said I was already logged out so I asked her if she'd logged in her own number.  She was very defensive when it became obvious that she was playing on my money.  I have to assume she didn't realize I'd only gone to the washroom but had left the building with $30 fiddling dollars still in the machine!  I don't know why she didn't just admit it and apologize but she wouldn't.

The manager of the casino came over to settle the dispute and saw that I was still logged in to that machine when he checked his equipment so he asked her to pay up and he'd match her dollar for dollar.  She agreed, paid her money and stormed out of the casino.  What a creep!!

It's possible she thought I was just some old lady who didn't understand how the machines worked but she was wrong.  It really bothered me that she was so adamant in her lie but I learned a lesson...don't trust anyone except the ones you know are honest.   

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