Saturday, December 21, 2013

Freedom of Speech

Phil Robertson (of "Duck Dynasty) has lost his show on A & E because he stated his personal belief that he felt homosexuality was wrong.  Heaven forbid that anyone should dare make a disparaging remark about gays or you can lose your job!  A & E gleefully airs disgusting (in my estimation) programs like "Sister Wives" but fires a man who lives a clean and productive life and believes in his bible.

I know people who are very happy with A & E's decision because it reflects their own beliefs but they've truly missed the point.  Where would the gay movement be today if not for our so-called freedom of speech?  It was freedom of speech that allowed gay rights to flourish as it has...and rightfully so but freedom of speech is not for gay supporters only.  It is for everyone, no matter what their belief system is.

Phil Robertson never said he wanted gays to be harmed or discriminated in any way but his own personal belief is that homosexuality is wrong and he, the same as gays, has the right to his opinion and doesn't deserve to lose his job over it.

Postscript:  Oh boy, I screwed up when I wrote this blog without knowing the full facts.  Phil Robertson said a whole lot more than "homosexuality is wrong".  He blasted out hatred and ignorance the likes not heard from any intelligent human being in a long, long time.  Once I read further about his ghastly comments on homosexuality and blacks, I realized I'd been jumping on the wrong bandwagon.  He is a nasty, nasty man and A&E didn't need to fire him...he lost most of his audience by exposing himself as the ignorant bigot he is.  

I need to get my facts straight before I blog a rant again. 

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