Wednesday, December 04, 2013

Sleeping Engineer

In a recent train accident which resulted in 4 (I think) deaths, we're now hearing that the man driving the train was asleep.  His union is using this as an acceptable excuse for the man who was in charge of the train and the protection of his passengers.  They say he didn't have a good sleep the night before coming on duty.  This is not an acceptable excuse!  It's negligence.  If he wasn't capable of performing the duties of his job he should have booked off and stayed home. 

We seem to have developed into a society where the union protects employees who are negligent in their jobs.  I feel sympathy for this man because I'm sure he's suffering guilt but the people who lost their lives and the loved ones of the victims have suffered much more.

It's become so darned refreshing to hear someone take responsibility for their mistakes...we all make mistakes from time to time...but it's a blot on humanity when someone who is blatantly at fault hides behind their lawyers or unions.

For his own sake, I hope this man can accept his fault, fess up to it, and then take the punishment for his actions.

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