Tuesday, December 03, 2013

Xmas Presents

There's no question that I love the Xmas season but it's more for the turkey dinners than the presents.  I do miss being with the little ones when they open their presents, though.

I started wondering how we all got conned into buying everyone we know presents for Xmas.  When you think of it, it doesn't make much sense to pay good money for something we don't know for sure the recipient will want or even like.  It would make more sense if we took that Xmas money and bought something lovely for ourselves and then everyone would be happy.

My husband and I had devolved into buying something for the house as our joint Xmas present and it sort of lost a lot of meaning for us.  I still insisted on a little something under the tree and we took our chances that it would be something we each kind of wanted.  Still, it is fun watching the small munchkins so joyful as they tear open their Xmas presents.

I've further devolved into giving Kim and Cindy gift certificates and then having Kim include me in whatever she buys for Nolan and Nash.  Because I'm in Florida, Shelley's family usually gets a proper gift...but I'm sure it's always something they could easily do without.  Sigh!

But gift giving among adults really is idiotic when the concept is put into perspective.  I'd much rather buy something nice for myself than have someone else buy me something I'm not crazy about.  Unchristmasy but true.

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