Thursday, February 20, 2014

3rd Day Chemical Peel

I was so nervous about putting a strong substance on the seriously sensitive skin of my face that I only decided to do this chemical peel if I could stay at Shelley's for a few days.  I knew that if anything went wrong, it would happen quickly.

The cream is called Fluoroplex (fluorouracil) 1% strength.  It came in a tiny 30 gram tube and cost $489!!!  I hate drug companies!!

Anyway, I was told to wash me face thoroughly and then to apply the cream with my fingertips, washing my hands thoroughly afterward.  I was expecting a burning sensation (saw that on the internet) but there was nothing, not even after 3 days of application twice daily.  I do notice a slightly smoother look to my skin and possibly a tiny bit of redness but that's it. 

I'm to continue applications for 4-6 weeks so there might be more visible signs of irritation as the time goes on.  I also see the dermatologist in 2 weeks so he can assess what's happening..or not happening.  I sure hope I didn't spend all this money for nothing but time will tell.

So far, so good.

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