Saturday, February 22, 2014

Canada Day at 3W

Every winter in our park we have a dinner celebration for the Americans that we all attend and then we have a dinner celebration for the Canadians that we all attend.  It wasn't always like one time no Canadians were allowed at the U.S. dinner and no Americans were allowed at the Canadian dinner.  I always hated this and couldn't understand why it was this way.  When the new owners took over our park, they insisted on an immediate change and now everyone is welcome to both dinners.  This is the way it always should have been.

For the last few years our French Canadian friends have been doing the cooking for Canada Day and I hope I don't offend anyone by saying the food served has never been better than theirs.  It's a huge treat to look forward to every year.  Both Americans and Canadians were over at the clubhouse this morning helping with the decorating...I love this!!  Dinner is at 5 P.M. and our tables are already reserved!

About the chemical peel that I'm doing...nothing out of the ordinary is happening but the skin on my face is getting redder.  I expected this and have no problem with it.  There's no peeling yet and that might be more unsightly than the redness but it's all worth it if it clears my skin when the process is over. 

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