Thursday, February 13, 2014


There are truly evil people in this world who believe they have the right to take the life of another person for whatever reason...they want to leave them, they talked back, they played their music too loud, they exist.  It doesn't matter the reason for an evil person to kill.  They will find a reason.

Michael Dunn is such a person.  He murdered a young man because the music in his car was loud.  It's almost impossible to understand how anyone would grab a gun and open fire on a car filled with four young men, killing one...but in Dunn's evil state of mind, he would have preferred to kill them all.  They're making a big thing about Dunn being white and the young men being black but I bet that wasn't a prime concern for Dunn.  He felt his space was invaded by the loud music and I'm sure the boys retorted verbally when told to turn it down.  Dunn felt insulted but, darn it, he had a gun and he used it.

Don't the Americans ever ask themselves how some of these incidents...recent murder of man in theatre, also...if the assailant wasn't armed with a gun?  I know some do but, sadly, most don't and that's why the United States suffers from these senseless killings.  Nothing will change until the American gun laws change.

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