Tuesday, February 04, 2014

The Color of Our Skin

Has anyone ever taken notice of how much air time is given to discussing the color of someone's skin?  I was listening to the news this morning and it suddenly dawned on me how often skin color is mentioned and the amount of time wasted discussing it. 

Criminals come in all colors.  Teenagers come in all colors.  Neighbors come in all colors.  Politicians might be a little green with greed but their skins are varying colors, too.  Why is skin color such an issue?  If we put a dozen young children of varying skin tones in a room together the last thing they'd be aware of is what color their friend's skin was.  We can learn a lot from children who haven't yet adopted their parents' prejudices.

On this ridiculous subject, I wonder why only brown and pink skins are always on the agenda?  I'm feeling a little discriminated against since no-one is discussing freckles.   

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