Sunday, March 02, 2014

Another Day

Bad news seems to be coming too often these days...illness of friends and family being the most prominent.  There are people in my life that I want to keep forever but fate and age sees things differently and obstinately changes my life plan.  I hate it.  I hate it.

Today I did laundry and washed floors.  Not a huge job when you consider one person in a trailer but still nice to have accomplished.  I dried sheets and throw rugs on the line, after all this is Florida!  I'd judge that the weather today is about as perfect as it can get...sunny, warm, soft breeze.  Then why do I feel out of sorts?  It's the bad news that keeps coming out and it scares me.

When my little world changes it's as though the planet has tilted a bit and nothing is the same any more.  I'm continually grateful for what is good but angry that, for some of my loved ones, it's not so good. 

I talked to Mary today and we discussed quite a lot of the life changes that come to us seniors.  We can laugh about them until they become serious and then it's no damned laughing matter.  Wrinkles, grey hair, and the odd pain is to be expected but deep in our hearts we still believe we have many years left to play but we don't like to consider that we'll gradually be playing with fewer playmates.

Well, today is the first day of a different life.  We will just have to cope.  

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