Saturday, March 08, 2014


Does anyone besides me think it's absolutely ridiculous that Massachusetts required a distinct law banning anyone from slipping a camera underneath a woman's skirt to take photos?  Some pervert walked free last week because the courts decided that a woman's privacy wasn't being invaded when he put a camera underneath her skirt to take a picture of her undies.  This week they made the law clearer for those judges who had felt it perfectly legal for the pervert to practice his hobby.

This is a case where common sense was lost on those who uphold our laws.  One lady said that if she wanted her undies displayed for public view, she wouldn't have worn a skirt.  I'm wondering if the current fad where young men wear their pants under their undies has made the courts falsely believe that all of us don't mind showing our undies to whoever chooses to look at them.

Personal privacy is a very important thing to preserve because there is very little of it any more.  We all use credit cards that carry vital information about us.  The internet is rife with theft of our information, photos, etc. so we need to protect what we have left.  My undies are my business and no-one else's.

Speaking of which, when I was a little girl my grandmother used to tell me to always wear clean undies in case I was in an accident and taken to the hospital.  Funny, because she really should have been telling me to wear clean undies because it's sanitary.

Anyway, it's now safe to walk the streets in Massachusetts because the powerful people who create and uphold the laws now understand that our undies are private.  

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