Saturday, June 28, 2014

Nolan's First Sleepover

I adore this kid.  He's just so darned perfect and looks so much like his father that I can't help but love him to bits.

Well, maybe not so perfect.  I picked him up yesterday around 4:30 and we went looking for a restaurant that would serve him spaghetti (his request) and ended up at the "50's Diner" where they brought him a huge dish of speghetti and sauce.  I found out he doesn't like sauce but would accept some butter on his speghetti.  Funny, but that's how Tyson ate spaghetti when he was Nolan's age.

Anyway, Nolan is very independent and while he has some idea about putting his fork in the spaghetti and twirling it he didn't understand he couldn't then then just lift his fork straight out or the spaghetti would fall off.  And he wouldn't let me help him.  We battled for a while until he let me cut his speghetti into smaller pieces and he ate almost the whole thing.  I think we'll stick to burgers and fries from now on, though.

We blew bubbles out on the balcony for a while and then I let him watch cartoons until 9 P.M. when he was more than ready for bed.  I tucked him in and never heard a peep out of him until 6:30 this morning.  What an angel!

Our plans for the day are to do a little bit of yard saleing later in the morning (not much because the temps should be around 30C (90F) and then have lunch before picking up Kim to shop for his birthday present at Toys R Us.  His 5th birthday is on July 10th.

I'm so happy to have this time with him and to know how comfortable he is with his GG.  I honestly believe that a loving family, the larger the better, is what it takes to help a child develop into a confident and successful adult.  I hope he'll always remember how much his GG loves him.


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