Friday, July 18, 2014

Babies Too Big For Their Nest

When I checked my baby sparrows yesterday I saw that they're growing so big that they're starting to fall out of the nest...note the skinny little leg hanging there.

I also discovered the source of irritation that causes daddy sparrow to chirp non-stop.  It's me.  If he can't see me, he doesn't chirp.  Unfortunately, my favorite comfy chair is right next to the patio doors where I am in full sight while I sit there.  I'm getting anxious for my baby sparrows to grow up and leave home.

Every time I look at them, though, it fills me with wonder at the fragility of life and the instincts most of us are born with to rear our babies safely.  Birth is a miracle but so is the instinct to protect our young even when they become adults.

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