Saturday, July 12, 2014

Baby Sparrows

I carefully checked the nest yesterday so I could show Nash the eggs but found tiny babies instead.  This time, Momma sparrow flew just a short distance and was very distressed so I returned the plant to the planter, thereby hiding her little brood from dangerous eyes.

The babies are really ugly little critters with pink skin and beaks that open unbelievably wide when they sense anyone near that might be bringing food.  But then, they are so tender and helpless that you soften just looking at them.

I'll check again in a few days to see how much they've grown.  I wish I could find my new camera which would take much clearer photos but I'm completely confused about where it is.  I hadn't planned on leaving it in Florida but, if it isn't here, then I sure hope I find it in the trailer this fall.

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