Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Watercolor Print

I bought this watercolor print at a yard sale for $2 and really love it.  It reminds me of Van Gogh's "Starry, Starry Night" but done in yellows.  It's difficult to make out the artist's name but it looks like Diana Hannigan or Harrigan and the print is #102.

I can't say enough good about yard sales.  They truly are treasure hunts because one man's trash can often be another man's treasure and this is a treasure for me.  It's very good for us yard sale enthusiasts that we're a throw away society with more money than brains.  It even saddens me a bit to see how much excess we accumulate and then dispose of in yard sales. Think of the impoverished in the world!

I also picked up some beautiful mini perfume bottles for $1 each and will sell them on Ebay for $10 each if I can get it.  Donna had a fit when she saw them because she said they sell for $40 each at Bombay.  Like I woman's trash has become my treasure once again.

On a side note, I have been granted my out-of country health insurance so that I can spend Oct. 15th-April 15th in Florida but it came at a darned high cost because of my newly diagnosed Diabetes...$1570.  That's almost double what I paid last year and it will be the deciding factor in when I decide to leave for Florida next year.  I'm already thinking I wouldn't mind waiting until Dec. 1st.  It would be interesting to know how the insurance company justifies such a huge increase when I don't feel any different health wise than I did last year.  Newly diagnosed Diabetes is really not a big health threat.  I take Metformin twice a day but feel absolutely no different at all.  We can't fight the insurance companies, though, so I'll just spend less time in the warmth of Florida next year.

Life is good but it's getting a little more expensive.

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