Friday, September 26, 2014

Time With Nolan

When I took care of my grandchildren years ago, I knew it was vitally important to have those hours with them.  In part, it made them the people they are today.  I'm not glorifying myself when I say this but trying to explain thow important it is for a child's development to have extended family involved in their lives.

Since the arrival of my greatgrandchildren, I've made it a point to have time with them, too, but I'm older and weaker now so I can only manage one at a time.  Both boys are very easy for me to handle but they are young and full of energy and that's what seems to tire me.  Nolan has a bit more than his fair share of energy but he's still a pleasure to be around.  He's in senior kindergarten this year so I'm picking him up today after school to spend the night with me.

I can't say enough about how good it makes me feel that these little boys enjoy coming here and feel at home when they do.  They know where their toys are kept (I always had toys available for the grandchildren, too, so that they felt more at home) and accept without complaint the things I don't let them touch.

Grandparents or greatgrandparents who don't make time for the little ones in their family are bigger losers than they know.  It already brings a smile to my face when I think of how much fun I'm going to have with Nolan today and tomorrow.  Children are blessings to us in many ways, one of which is how they remind us of our own childhood innocence.

Both Nolan and Nash refer to my spare bedroom as "their" bedroom even though Nash hasn't slept over yet.  They are identifying their place in my home, knowing they do have a place.  Actually, Mary refers to it as her bedroom for the same reason.  LOL!

Family and friends.  It's what life is all about.

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