Monday, September 01, 2014

Trailer Cleaner

Every year before I leave for Florida I hire someone to clean the trailer.  One person will powerwash the outside and one will clean the inside from top to bottom.  I like to arrive at a nice clean trailer because I know what the summers do to an untended tin can.  A few times I've hired people who did such a crappy job that I had to pretty well redo it all and that's not how I like to start my Florida holiday.  One of my fondest memories is when I got to the trailer and found the cleaner had done a poor job.  As I was recleaning it, a friend of mine (Barb Martz) came strolling up the road with a bucket in hand to help me.  You just never forget good samaritans like that!!

The park's new owners have a policy which forbids any of their employees from doing work for the residents, even in their own free time, so I'm having trouble keeping a good house cleaner.   This year I'll be trying someone new, a lady who just moved into the park and who was recommended by a friend of mine.  We have a good network at the park where we look out for each other and help each other.  I'm so thankful for the good people who live or winter at 3W.

When Dennis was alive, he'd do all the outside work while I cleaned the trailer and put stuff away.  He'd also dispose of dead roaches that found their nast way inside the trailer over the summer.  I know he wouldn't approve of me hiring people to do this work but I do it because it makes me feel good to settle into a nice clean trailer after driving 1200 miles to get there.

I'm going down earlier than usual this year because John is being honored by being inducted into the "Air Command Hall of Fame" on Oct. 19th.  I'm so proud of him and don't want to miss the occasion.  I couldn't ask for a finer son-in-law than John and I love his family, too.  My Florida winter is going to start off so well but my only worry is when my wonderful friend, Sylvia, will get there (because of her car accident).  

I'm looking forward to seeing all my good buddies again but I'll also worry a bit about Gail W. getting there.  She and her husband rent and I'm hoping they find a good rental for this year.  Too many of my good buddies, like Gail, live too far away from me at home so I love having the winter with them.  Without my special buddies, Florida wouldn't be much fun at all.

Well, I'll hope for the best and accept what I cannot change.    

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