Saturday, September 20, 2014

Yard Saleing For Small Items

My yard saleing strategy these days is to look for interesting but small items to take to Florida to sell on Ebay.  "Interesting" because I might be stuck with them.  "Small" because they have to fit in my car and then in the trailer.  It's not always easy and I often have to walk away from interesting larger stuff.

A few weeks ago I found an estate sale with tons of fabric and trim...and a whole lot else I wasn't interested in.  I bought a bit of lace trim, checked on Ebay, and found out it sells quite well.  I was sorry I hadn't bought more because there really was lots and lots of it.  So back I went today, thinking it was an estate sale and they had to get rid of everything probably before the end of the month so they'd probably have another yard sale.  I was right.  I bought a big boxload of trim for $5, brought it home and measured and packaged it all and think I'm going to make a lot of money with it.  It will certainly keep me busy on Ebay all winter.  This is a fun hobby for me!

I started thinking that my yard sale buying for Ebay is going to come to an end soon.  Most items can only be sold on Ebay when I'm in the States (much cheaper cost of shipping) so I won't be able to do that when I can't go to Florida any more.  I do think I could sell the lace trim here, though, because it wouldn't cost much to ship.  I guess there's still hope for me continuing my little hobby even when I have to stay home.

Matt packed a box of Kim's old Cosmopolitan magazines in the car and I'll sell those on Ebay for her.  It's pretty amazing how much the strangest things sell 20 year old magazines!  Any I don't sell this winter I'll bring home because I can still sell them on Ebay when I'm here.

Selling on Ebay has been a great thing for me.  I enjoy yard saleing for items, finding people who want them, and making a little bit of money at it.  I also thoroughly enjoy doing my research on Ebay.  I often accidently come across items I never knew had value.  It's been a terrific hobby of mine for quite a few years now and I'll miss it when it ends.

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