Wednesday, October 01, 2014

Sad and Discouraged

I had the stitches removed from 2 skin cancer spots today and hoped it was all over for a while but no.  There is a spot on my face near my nose that has to be removed on November 20th with the stitches being removed on December 3rd.  This means that the earliest I can leave for Florida is on December 4th as long as the biopsy report is okay.  I spent hours again cancelling all the darned services I'd already spent hours reconnecting for mid October.  I can't even reschedule them in case the biopsy report on Dec. 3rd shows that more surgery is required.  I'm sad, disgusted, dismayed...but not depressed.  Yet.

The dermatologist said that if the biopsy report shows further surgery is needed, the period of time I'll have to wait is so long that I can forget about going to Florida this winter.  Maybe government health insurance really does have it's faults.

The only good news is that none of my skin cancers are melanoma so they're easier to cure.  Of course, there's no guarantee that there's ever going to be an end to these piddly little surgeries that disrupt my life, either.

I'm upset and I bought butter tarts to ease my sorrow.

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