Thursday, October 02, 2014

Another Day

This is the view from my balcony.  It's overcast today but the changing colored leaves are still pretty even though there are apparently no maples in the ravine to brighten it up with reds.

I was awfully low yesterday but feel slightly better today...maybe just accepting that there's nothing on my part that I can do to change circumstances.  I know I'll feel much better once the skin cancer is removed and then feel euphoric once again if the biopsy turns out to be clear.  It will all take time.

On a brighter note, the fact that I'll be here on Nov. 15th means I can rent a table to sell some of my jewellery at the Senior Center.  There's always a tiny silver lining somewhere, somehow.  I also have Mary's visit to look forward to on Sunday so I have a few silver linings around me.

I have a very slight fear of slipping into a depression simply because I've been there before.  It's something I'll have to watch out for but I think I'm okay.  It's not a nice thing to have doctors continually cutting away at you.  I know it could be worse but even this is terribly upsetting for me.  I'll do my best to deal with it and hope for good news.

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