Sunday, October 12, 2014

Thanksgiving 2014

There are always lots of things to be thankful for but, in all my 74 years, I've never found anything more important than family and friends.  If you don't have a loving relationship with someone then you really don't have much.  

I'm having Thanksgiving dinner at Cindy's today and she's expecting 20 family members of her's and Don's.  I can't imagine celebrating Thanksgiving in a nicer way.  If all goes well, we'll eat out on the deck.  It's going to be a beautifully sunny day but a little chilly so we'll have to dress warmly.  My contribution is roles and one expects me to cook and I like it that way.

There will be a few children to lighten the day, too, along with some dogs.  I'm not saying adults aren't fun but children and dogs are even more so!

This Thanksgiving I'll be with most of the people who give my life meaning.

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