Saturday, November 01, 2014

Need a New Computer

This little laptop I'm using can't be more than 5 years old but it's been acting up something terrible so I'm going computer shopping tomorrow with Kim.  She says she doesn't know much about computers but she (and everyone else) must know more than I do.

I think it's terrible that something you pay $500 for will only last 5 years!  It's probably built in obsolescence (haven't a clue if that's spelled correctly) so that we buyers keep the market going and that is a darned shame, especially since we can't do without a computer once we start using them.

I've been convinced to only buy a good laptop instead of a destop for home and a laptop for travelling.  I hate typing on a laptop but I learned that I can get a wireless keyboard to use with it so I'm good to go!

Using a computer has become a necessity in my life for many reasons...e-mails to keep up with friends and distant family, research, E-bay, blogging, etc. and I'd hate to lose all that so I'm committed to always having one.  I guess $100 or so a year isn't bad for all the pleasure it brings me.

It will be interesting to see how long it takes me to use a new one, though.  I still haven't figured out how to save websites with this one.  I'm so ashamed!

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