Monday, November 03, 2014

New Computer

I haven't got it yet but I've order a 17.3" Toshiba laptop Intel i5 and can't wait to get it and experience some kind of speed once again.  The laptop I'm using now is about 5 years old and has been acting up terribly (not so bad today, don't you know it) so, since I can't live without a computer in my life, I'm getting a new one.

It's so hard to get computer sales people to speak to me in a language I can even vaguely understand so Cindy went with me.  She's not a computer nerd but she's better than me and really helped bridge the dialogue between me and the poor salesman.  In any case, I have a nice new computer coming in later this week!!

Matt is going to help me set it up and transfer stuff from the old one to the new one...I think.  If not him, then the computer store will do it.  I certainly haven't a clue how to do it.

A thought just came to me that, when I was making sure to give lots of time to my grandchildren when they were young, I had no idea how useful they'd be to me when they grew up!  There's a lot to be said about strong family ties!

Because this old laptop is still usable as long as you don't expect much from it, I need to find someone who wants it.  There's a lot of personal information in anyone's computer that needs to be purged before you give it away, though.  Matt to the rescue again, I guess!

Oh yes...Kim, Matt, Kelly, and I saw "Sir Vincent" yesterday and loved the movie.  I'd give it 3 out of 4 stars.  It's never going to be a classic film but it sure was entertaining.

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