Tuesday, December 23, 2014

I Treated Myself

I treated myself to 3 pair of sterling silver earrings yesterday.  Kohl's had a 70% off sale on their fine jewelry and I'm down to one pair of not so nifty silver earrings so this was my chance to get some pretty ones at a good price.  I didn't intend to buy 3 pair but one pair was tri-color and one pair was $20 so that's my excuse.  Anyway, I deserved them, right?

I don't wear gold earrings anymore...and that's a good thing considering the cost of gold...but the tr-colored ones I just bought will go fine with any gold-toned costume necklaces I have.  We must present a "put together" appearance, don't you know.

As I wandered through the store looking at all the items for sale, it hit me once again how little I actually need.  I remember back in my twenties when I felt a need for many things we couldn't afford but today I really do have all I need and that's a blessing.  It's also good to understand that "need" and "want" are two very different things.

I watched a sweet family of probably 6 children with their parents and thought how expensive that Xmas bill is going to be.  It's too bad that the time we need to spend the most for Xmas is usually the time of our lives we can afford the least.

Anyway, my cold is quickly disappearing but my ear is still plugged and I do cough a bit still.  Life is good but it will be even better tomorrow.

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