Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Christmas Eve, 2014

It's hard to feel Christmasy here in Florida where the sun shines warmly on the palm trees.  I think of my own children, grandchildren, and greatgrandchildren back in Canada and miss them a lot...but not the cold.  I won't be able to join in with my friends at the clubhouse for Xmas dinner because I'm still a germ factory but, if I were back home in Canada, I'd be relegated to my little apartment and away from my family for the same reason.  It's much nicer being segregated from the world in a warm and hospitable climate.

I remember Christmas eves of the past when our home was the place for the whole family to go.  Our little house would be filled to the rafters with family and it was one of the occasions that bonded us to each other and that bonding still holds today.  I know I blather on about how important the family bond is but it's true.  It's the strength of that bond that nourishes us in good times and heals us in bad times.

And so, on this Christmas Eve of 2014, I may be 1200 miles away from the people I love most in the world but we'll be together in spirit.

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