Thursday, December 25, 2014

Shelley and Nicky

From the day Nicholas was born he was the precious little prince of the family, first grandchild, first boy.  Shelley was 20 years old when Nick was born (Kim & Brian's first child) and  our little Nicky adored her from the beginning.  This attraction to young women in their twenties seems to have passed down to Nick's son, Nolan, and his adoration of Cindy's daughter, Aeron!

I remember a Christmas when Nick couldn't wait to open his present from Shelley and he shook with happiness...after all, it was from his precious Shelley.  There was also the time when he was 2 years old and Shelley was sunbathing in the backyard all covered in lotion.  Nick, somehow knowing it wasn't appropriate to face her, pressed his back onto her and rubbed his little self into the lotion.

One of the sweetest, yet saddest times, was at Shelley and John's wedding.  Nick was 4 years old and the ring bearer.  Ashley, 8, was the flower girl.  The incident happened when the time came for John to remove Shelley's garter and Nick was overcome with jealousy.  Crying, he ran up to John and tried to pull him away from HIS Shelley.  Loving hands calmed him down but he cried for a quite a while.  He must have felt very lost and betrayed.  All is well today, though.  He loves both Shelley and John!

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