Sunday, December 21, 2014

North Korea Bullying the World??

When I first heard that Sony was bowing to threats by North Korea and not releasing a comedy movie that insulted North Korea's leader, I thought it was a joke.  How could that little twit and his puny little country carry that much authority??

Now, Sony is a private company which, while threatened, has the right to defend itself and follow whichever course it chooses.  It has unfortunately made a choice that will probably change the world as we know it.

Millions have rejected movie content over the years but apparently we didn't do the right thing to stop them.  We should have threatened to bomb every theatre that showed the offensive movie.  But rational, intelligent people don't react that way.  North Korea's little tyrant of a leader does and we shouldn't be surprised he's done this.  The surprise comes from the fact that he's gotten his way.

If North Korea caused any terrorist activity in the U.S., I'm assuming their country would be invaded by American troops the next day and they wouldn't be invading alone.  Doesn't North Korea understand that they've stepped on the wrong toes?  Don't they understand they're nothing but a peanut about to be absorbed by a giant ape?  

Everyone takes terrorists threats seriously now even if they're worded immaturely as North Korea's were.  They're almost laughable...but terrorist threats cannot be ignored.

Take care, little Kim Jong-un.  You're soon to be punished for your temper tantrum.

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