Friday, December 19, 2014

I'm Squawking Again

My soon to be nurse practitioner, Shelley, told me that the antibiotic prescribed to me by the doctor yesterday probably won't do a thing for my bronchitis but I'm going to take it anyway for whatever else might be lurking behind the bronchitis.  Walmart ran out of the medicine yesterday and promised it for today at 1 P.M.  It isn't there but might arrive by 4 P.M.  Hmmm!  It's a good thing I probably don't even need it, isn't it?

Apparently I'm contagious for a while yet so I'm not fit to be around anyone.  I hate being stuck in like this but I don't want to kill anyone, either, so I'll be good.

Juan had his kidney removed yesterday and is recovering fine.  It's such an awful worry for the family but it's life and we have to deal with what happens to us.  They are an extremely close and loving family and that will help with his healing for sure.

For me, I'm feeling stronger but still like I have a head cold.  I guess getting my strength back is a good sign.  I'm not coughing as much but have a real coughing jag first thing in the morning.  My next door neighbor has been coughing a lot, too, so our two trailers must be filled with germs.

In any case, the sun is shining and the air is warm and I'm happy as pig in poo to be in Florida!

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