Tuesday, January 13, 2015

I Just Might Live

The human body is really an amazing thing...it almost makes me think there might be a creator.  I rarely get sick but this cold I caught has been wicked and there were times I wondered if my poor old body was capable of overcoming it.  Just a few days ago, I hit bottom and even wondered if I should head home but, by staying home and resting, I've gotten it 95% beat.  My tummy muscles are thankful, too.  I'm still waiting to see if I can have the antibiotic prescription filled without seeing the quack doctor first and I will use the prescription if I get it.  I want to knock this bug out for good!  But today I feel pretty darned healthy and that's a blessing.

I've been couchbound and watching a lot of T.V. which included newscasts of unbearable cruelty in this world.  At times, it became too much for me and I had to turn it off.  It's scary to see the horrors of what some human beings are capable of.  But then we also see the good side...the best that we can be...and that gives me hope.  

I'm always most horrified by cruelty against children, those too tender and too helpless to fend for themselves.  This week, a father threw his 5 year old daughter into a river where she drowned and I cringed at the senselessness of it.  A police officer tried in vain to save the little girl and I know he'll be haunted by his inability to do so.  The father's inhumane act makes no sense at all but the police officer's frantic attempt to save the child is what most of us would do and that's where our saving grace comes from.  We were created to help, not hurt, one another.  The savage among us are aberrations and not normal.

There were the terrorist killings in France that were so upsetting but then, an amazing a beautiful thing happened.  The people, not only the French, gathered together and marched by the thousands in unity against terrorism.  Good Muslims joined in with them and denounced the small, murderous terrorists who use the Muslim religion as their excuse for their actions.  It was a beautiful example of good against evil and so easy to see how outnumbered the evil doers are.

Well, I found out my prescription is ready for pick-up so I'm on my way out into the world, hoping only to meet up with the good in it.  

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