Thursday, January 15, 2015

Life's Losses

I got a late start with my Ebay selling this year because I didn't get to Florida until early December.  Sales for me have been slow but this might be the first year I've had so much to sell... books and sewing trim.  I'm seriously thinking of giving up yard saleing with the main reason being our dropping dollar and my limited Florida winters in the future.  One more harmless passion coming to an end!!

Ebaying is something I could do without and not suffer withdrawal, though.  As we age, we seem to drop activities along the way for different reasons and it helps if it's not an activity we live for.  The hardest things to let go of are family and friends.  Some pass away and some move away and there's nothing we can do about's the circle of life.

When a child's best friend moves away or their favorite pet bites the dust, they are so obvious in their sorrow that it attracts comfort from everyone.  When this happens to an adult, whose heart is just as broken, it's expected that the adult be stoic and not need consoling.  But we do need understanding that our loss is taking a toll on us.  Underneath, we are still wailing children.

I won't suffer any mental damage from the loss of Ebay, but I'm already hurting inside for future, more imminent losses that are far more important in my life.  I've often thought how lonely life must be for the centenarians whose friends and family have passed on while they live on.  I'm always harping on how the most important possessions anyone can have are family and good friends but I realize my own family doesn't need that reminder.  They already understand that and live it.  Our children and grandchildren, and even greatgrandchildren, are friends as well as relatives.  This makes me sooooo happy!

The nastiness on the news has been getting me down lately and it helps to know how much love and caring there is in my own family.  It helps to know that most people are good and kind and not full of hatred.  It helps to have friends who have your back.  

Good, I feel better now.

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