Sunday, January 18, 2015

Nothing Too Important

It seems like I'm more impressed by little incidences these days, ones I haven't experienced before.  Today, I saw something that both tickled me and awed me.

I was driving back from taking a bunch of stuff to the Salvation Army and was stopped at a stoplight right next to a bus stop where a Hasidic Jew (I hope I wrote that correctly) sat waiting for the bus.  All of a sudden he started waving his hands as though being attacked by a bee or wasp and just as suddenly he stopped and quickly pressed his hands together in prayer.  I know nothing of the Jewish religion but I assume he was asking forgiveness for hurting one of god's creatures.  He might also be giving thanks he wasn't stung.  How precious.

This is one of the reasons I want to take a course in world religions because each one has their own unique and interesting rituals.  After thinking how cute his actions were, I then thought how brainwashed he was.  Then my thoughts slipped into how maybe I'm the one who is blind or brainwashed because I have no religion to fall back on.

Life is full of questions.

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