Saturday, January 24, 2015

Our Falling Dollar

It's incomprehensible to me that our Canadian dollar has dropped so far from the U.S. dollar in the last year.  I believe Canada is in better shape financially than the U.S. so why does it now cost (today) more than $1.27 to buy a U.S. dollar??  Canadians here in the park are leaving or planning to leave for good because this adds dramatically to our cost of being in the States and there comes a point when it's just not worth it to spend our winters here.  Damn!

Pretty well all of us Canadians are on fixed income pensions so we can't roll with a 27% increase in lot rent, groceries, and entertainment.  Granted, gas, clothes, and restaurant meals cost us less than in Canada so there is a trade off that we have to consider.  Cold, snowy Canada versus warm, sunny Florida is a big consideration, too.

There really does come a time when it just doesn't pay for us to leave Canada and I'm fearful it will be that falling dollar that puts the cost out of range for most of us.

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