Sunday, January 04, 2015


There's something comforting about routine.  We might not realize that our lives generally follow a routine until something happens to disrupt it.  I seem to thrive on routine as long as it's full of variations so I don't get bored but when I got sick the day I got to my Florida park, my whole life turned upside down.

I don't have an exciting life but it is full of the things I enjoy doing and part of my routine is lots of social interaction at my Florida park.  I had little of that while I was sick so it was really nice to get back into my normal routine as soon as I was well.  Last Friday we started back with morning coffee time on the patio and more people showed up than I expected.  It's still early in the season and I haven't held coffee time while I was sick so I just hoped most of the ladies here would know it was back on.  I guess a dozen ladies came over and we had a great time chatting away.  I think the world of every one of these ladies and feel so fortunate that they enjoy our coffee mornings, too.

Poor Charlotte had a terrible fall which left her with a bruised and swollen lip so she didn't come over until the very end.  She was embarrassed about how she looked but I reminded her how I'd marched around last winter with a red splotchy face from the chemical peel.  If people don't like the way we look, tough you-know-whatty!  People who really care about us accept us as we are.

Debbie has arranged a great deal on a 7 night/8 day cruise so Sylvia and I are considering going.  She's not completely sure yet but I'll only go if she does.  Neither one of us had thought about another cruise but this is a terrific deal for $500 so I hope we get to go.

On a nasty note...we went to the clubhouse yesterday for the HOA meeting and an incident occurred that was pretty awful.  One of the residents stood up in front of everyone and angrily complained about the supposed actions of the HOA president.  It was a personal problem between them that should never have been discussed in public like that and made me want to run out of the clubhouse.  I can't stand arguments at all any more and just want to flee when something like this happens.  None of the people I hang out with are argumentative, thank heavens, or I wouldn't come back to the park every winter.  

Anyway, today I get my hair cut, tomorrow I go to the game rooms, and Tuesday begins card/Bingo nights right through Friday.  Friday and Saturday we have our park yard sale so my little world is full at least for the next week.  Life is good when you allow it to be.

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