Friday, January 02, 2015

We Have No Shame

Back in the early days of my yard saleing, I was too embarrassed to bargain with the sellers but, by forcing myself, I became one of the best dickerers you can find.  I'm a bargain guru!  I've never been embarrassed to ask for a senior's price or if the drinks are free for seniors, either.  Those big companies have more money to waste on us old people than they'll ever miss.

Today, Sylvia and I went to a really nice restaurant that has "all you can eat" soup and salad on their menu and that's what we had.  The sweet little waitress we had asked if we'd like a second bowl of soup but we were full....but I asked if we could have a second bowl full to take home.  Why not, eh??  Of course, said our sweet little waitress so we now had dinner for this evening.  We seniors know how to save money!

I have to admit that this was not a new idea for me because a couple of years ago, a whole bunch of us seniors (Red Hatters) went to an Olive Garden for lunch and many had their soup and salad for lunch.  I overheard one of our ladies ask if she could take a bowl of soup home and the waitress brought her one.  I, loving anything free, asked for one also and got one, too.  Every time I do something like this and feel no embarrassment doing so, I think of how horrified Kim would be if she was with me.  I don't know about Cindy and Shelley but sometimes Kim embarrasses too easily.

If it's free and I like it, I'll take it.

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