Wednesday, January 28, 2015


When I'm in Florida and the north is being bombarded by snowstorms, I feel so fortunate to be where I am.  It's cool here, too, and the furnace was on last night but there's not a single snowflake on the ground.  Also, the sun is shining brightly in a perfect blue sky!

I did follow the storm warnings on the news, though, and hoped my own family back home wouldn't be snowbound.  Today, they're slamming New York's mayor for closing the city and highways because the snow storm didn't amount to as much as expected.  Now, what if it had and the mayor hadn't closed the city and highways?  What if people got stuck in their cars and died from exposure?  He did the right thing no matter what anyone says.

Fresh snow can be beautiful to look at but I just don't like the cold that brings it.  Two day old dirty snow piles are not beautiful, though, and they last longer than the snowstorm.

When I was a little girl, I made an igloo out of one of those piles of snow at the side of the road and was inside when it caved in.  No-one knew where I was but I was lucky enough to dig myself out.  Otherwise, there would be no Kim, Cindy, Shelley, Nick, Matt, Tyson, Kyle, Aeron, Lisette, Nicole, Jake, Nolan, or far!  It's interesting how the whole world can be changed by the loss of one person.

Little Patsy is still alive and kicking as of 8:15 A.M. this Wednesday morning.

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